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Upgrading an Existing Installation

For some versions there might be manual steps that you need to do. They are listed below.

Upgrading to v2.0.0

Add the Forwarding Action

Forwarding is now available!

Add the following promoted action to your Conversation view in Lime Admin:

    "id": "limepkg_email.forward",
    "label": "limepkg_email.forward",
    "icon": "forward_arrow",
    "params": {},
    "visibility": {
        "conditionID": "limeobject-matches-filter",
        "conditionParams": {
            "key": "firstmessagedate",
            "op": "!",
            "exp": null


It is not possible to forward conversations that was created before this upgrade.

Database Structure Changes

There are some database structure changes that also need to be done at the same time as upgrading to this version.

  1. On the limetype messagefollower, for the option field participationlevel, do the following two things:
    1. Rename the option key normal to to. Also update all display texts according to the table below.
    2. Add a new option with key from and set display texts according to the table below.

      option key Swedish English Danish Norwegian Finnish  German Dutch
      to Till To Til Til Kohteeseen An Aan
      from Från From Fra Fra Kohteesta Von Van

Migrate Existing Conversations

From this version, how follower and messagefollower objects are handled is different. This will make pre-existing messages in pre-existing conversations look wrong when they show in Lime CRM who sent a certain message and who received it. New messages in pre-existing conversations will look correct.

The main idea is that the new version follow these rules:

  • Unique follower records per email address.
  • One messagefollower record for each participant, i.e., not unique per email address.

If it is desired to fix the pre-existing messages, it is possible through manual actions. The following needs to be done on each pre-existing conversation.


  1. Create a follower record for the monitored email account. (This card will be created automatically upon the next incoming or outgoing message in this conversation).
    1. Set the email address.
    2. Set the name.
    3. All relation fields should be empty.
    4. Participation level can just be left to the default value (this is not used anymore).
    5. Set Subscribed = False.
    6. Set Active = False.
  2. Remove any duplicates on email address. This is typically only happening when you are testing the email functionality in Lime CRM by emailing with yourself. Perhaps these conversations can be neglected since they are then tests only?
  3. Verify that each follower possesses a unique email address (it can not be empty).

Message Followers

  1. For all incoming emails:
    1. Create a messagefollower record for the monitored account.
      1. Set Participation level = "To".
      2. Set the Follower relation correctly.
  2. For the automatic reply message:
    1. Create a messagefollower record for the monitored account.
      1. Set Participation level = “From”.
      2. Set the Follower relation correctly.
  3. Make sure there is a "From" messagefollower on all conversation messages. Update the participation level on them manually. This can be tricky to know if there are several with participation level "To" on the same message.
  4. Remember: If the same email address has been used for different participation levels (for example both as To and From), then there should be one messagefollower record per participation level. This is typically only happening when you are testing the email functionality in Lime CRM by emailing with yourself. Perhaps these conversations can be neglected since they are then tests only?


Please note that the conversation history in outgoing emails will continue to look correct even without the above manual changes.

Upgrading to v1.172.0

New properties (send_automatic_reply and max_email_age_for_auto_reply) have been added to the delegated accounts stored in the sys_data table in the database. Before upgrading, delete all email accounts.