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The email integration is an advanced add-on with many moving parts. Errors are logged in the Web Server and/or Task Handler log. Always check the logs first!

Mark as Read Action on Conversation Object Is Not Visible or Not Clickable

Ensure that the limepkg-standard-actions package is added as a dependency to your solution.

Why Do I Need to Have an Email Address on My Coworker When I Send an Email From Lime CRM?

Emails sent from Lime CRM are dispatched through the monitored account. However, when an email is sent from Lime CRM, one follower is created for you. Followers are uniquely identified based on the email address, so an email address must be available on your coworker for use on follower.

Exchange Online Certificates

Exchange Online uses certificates issued by trusted Certificate Authorities (CAs), which are widely recognized and included in most operating systems' root certificate stores. If EmailEngine encounters certificate errors when connecting to Exchange Online, check for proxies or firewalls that may intercept traffic and replace the server's certificate with their own.

Troubleshooting Network Interception

If you suspect a proxy or firewall is intercepting traffic, inspect the certificate presented by Exchange Online using tools like openssl:

openssl s_client -connect -showcerts
openssl s_client -connect -showcerts

Confirm the certificate is issued by a trusted CA, such as "DigiCert". If the certificate is replaced by a proxy or firewall's certificate, see below:

Handling Certificate Errors

If EmailEngine encounters certificate validation errors:

  • If your proxy or firewall intercepts secure traffic, ensure it uses certificates from a trusted CA or disable interception.
  • Allow Insecure Certificates: As a last resort, you can allow insecure certificates for IMAP/SMTP by enabling the corresponding option in EmailEngine to bypass certificate validation. Caution: This is not recommended for production environments, as it reduces security! The setting can be found in the EmailEngine admin panel under Configuration > Service > Security Settings > Allow Insecure Certificates for IMAP/SMTP.